Food For Thought 6:04Song Description:
A musical discussion of Satan’s ability to worsen our innate ability to sin,
thereby making results even more severe than they would otherwise be.
Though different kinds of sinners still make the same mistake,
some fail by their omissions, and thus commandments break.
Their counterparts may know its wrong and still commit the deed,
but both are equally at fault, and thus good judgement need.
It’s true that man has always had that conflict in his soul.
Temptation’s ever present, our defeat is Satan’s goal.
As step by step each sinner’s drawn, our Bible Studies teach,
the apple’s always dangling there and never out of reach.
What is that you tell yourself?
I’ll do it just this once.
Then it becomes a habit
You’re officially a dunce.
The damage that you’ve done unto yourself is your own fault.
It would have taken fortitude for you to call a halt.
It’s easy to be swept up in the tides of current thought.
The pressure to conform is what those advertisers bought.
Who says that multiplying two times two must equal four?
If you decide to scoff at God the Devil will do more.
He’ll gladly add his help to push you further into vice.
He’ll increase the attraction, maybe multiply it twice.
How is it you assuage your guilt?
Society approves.
Where once you had a bound’ry
Satan showed you how it moves.
Incendiary prompts he sends our way to get us hooked,
which put our life in cinders,…. a synonym for cooked.
His path is so enjoyable, our efforts blend with his,
When we succumb to sinfulness, he adds a little fizz.
The scintillating syntax he resorts to in a pinch
confuses all our minds,…. makes his victory a cinch.
He makes it so much easier, his syncopation game
at helping wreck our melody, so toward the dark we’re aimed.
What is it that you tell yourself?
You’re sure you won’t get caught.
But go too far and don’t repent
You’ll wind up where it’s hot.
The evil one is well aware that most of us are prone
to insincere attempts at making headway toward God’s throne.
The fallen angel has his ways, insidious for sure
Expanding our enjoyment of those things which are impure.
It’s easy just to think our indiscretions are just games,
but Satan has a special way of turning up the flames.
You may not need much prodding if your world view’s not correct
Your inner sinner needs a saintly source it should select.
When Satan plots to trap you
in troubles you don’t see
Your faith in God will help you
beat the Devil’s sinnergy.
Yes your faith in God will help you
beat the Devil’s sinnergy.
Lyrics: Roland Burbank
Music, recording, mixing, keyboards: John Andrew Schreiner
Vocals: Alex Mackey
Guitars: Randy Mitchell
Saxophone: John Choi
Song art: Garry Grant
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